solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (2024)

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Angie vor etwa 19 Stunden

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Bearbeitet: Torsten vor etwa 10 Stunden

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Hello everyone,

I am trying to solve some differential equation in matlab using ode45. The equations are as shown below:

solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (2)

I have written the equations in state space form where ydot_1(i) is solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (3), ydot_2(i) is solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (4), ydot_3(i) is solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (5) and ydot_4(i) is solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (6) . In the equation of motion of x, eq.2, x terms are not in terms of “ i “ but I have written them like that (so ydot_3(i) is solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (7) and ydot_4(i) is solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (8) ) because of the loop that I use on the function below. So the “for” loop, for each time step, solves first the ydot terms for each mode for i = 1:n and then gets out of the loop, goes to the new time step solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (9) and then solve again for each mode. However, since for each time step it will start from the first mode, and ydot_1(i) and ydot_2(i) depend on ydot_3(i) and ydot_4(i) , then I am solving the equation of x, eq.2, for each mode. For the new time step, before starting with the first mode again I am defining the

ydot_1=y(1:n); %displacement beam

ydot_2=y(n+1:2*n); %velocity beam

ydot_3=y(2*n+1:3*n); %displacement mass

ydot_4=y(3*n+1:4*n); %velocity mass



x_c_prev = x_c_prev_modes{1};

so it can start with the data from the previous first mode (first mode of the previous time step).

My problem is that when I solve for 1 mode only, so for n=1 and get the solution du_1= y(:,n+i).*sin(i*pi.* x_c_values_new); and then solve for n=2 but still get the solution du_1= y(:,n+i).*sin(i*pi.* x_c_values_new); for the first mode only, these first modes do not match. The solution have the same shape but differ in amplitude. The same happens with I use n=20, for example, but again plot only the first mode du_1. The solution changes from the first mode obtained when n=2 and from the first mode obtained for n=1. I have checked for days and cant see my mistake so have reached desperation.

Would really appreciate your help! Thank youuu!

clear all


global xi xi_b r_w r_m mu_s mu_k v alpha P l a w l_0 n x_c_prev x_c_prev_modes


tspan = (0:dt:150).';

% parameters






mu_k=0.2 ;








% Initialize y_c_prev and the array to store x_c values

x_c_prev = 0;

global t_values x_c_values; % Declare t_values and x_c_values as global

t_values = tspan; % Store time values

x_c_values = zeros(size(tspan)); % Initialize array to store x_c values


y0 = zeros(4*n,1);

y0(3*n+1) = -v;

% Initialize y_c_prev

x_c_prev = 0;

% Define your initial value for x_c_prev

x_c_prev_initial = 0;

% Initialize x_c_prev_modes, assuming you have 'n' modes

x_c_prev_modes = cell(1, n);

% Initialize the first mode's x_c_prev

x_c_prev_modes{1} = x_c_prev_initial;

[t,y] = ode45(@rhs_cont4,tspan,y0);

zero_indices = find(x_c_values == 0);

% Iterate over zero indices and replace with mean of neighboring non-zero elements

for i = 1:length(zero_indices)

idx = zero_indices(i);

left_idx = idx - 1;

right_idx = idx + 1;

% Find the nearest non-zero elements

while left_idx > 0 && x_c_values(left_idx) == 0

left_idx = left_idx - 1;


while right_idx <= length(x_c_values) && x_c_values(right_idx) == 0

right_idx = right_idx + 1;


if left_idx > 0 && right_idx <= length(x_c_values)

x_c_values(idx) = (x_c_values(left_idx) + x_c_values(right_idx)) / 2;

elseif left_idx > 0

x_c_values(idx) = x_c_values(left_idx);

elseif right_idx <= length(x_c_values)

x_c_values(idx) = x_c_values(right_idx);


% If there are no non-zero neighbors, we can't replace it, so skip





for i=1:1

u_1= y(:,i).*sin(i*pi.* x_c_values_new);

du_1= y(:,n+i).*sin(i*pi.* x_c_values_new);




legend("beam vel mode 1")

and the function is saved separately

function ydot=rhs_cont4(t,y)

global xi xi_b r_w r_m mu_s mu_k v alpha P a w l_0 n x_c_prev x_c_prev_modes

ydot_1=y(1:n); %displacement beam

ydot_2=y(n+1:2*n); %velocity beam

ydot_3=y(2*n+1:3*n); %displacement mass

ydot_4=y(3*n+1:4*n); %velocity mass



x_c_prev = x_c_prev_modes{1};

for i = 1:n



x_c_prev = x_c; % Update x_c_prev for the next iteration

x_c_prev_modes{i} = x_c_prev;

%Store x_c values at the corresponding time step

global t_values x_c_values; % Access global variables

[~, idx] = min(abs(t - t_values)); % Find the index of the closest time step

x_c_values(idx) = x_c; % Store x_c at the corresponding time step


ydot_1(i) = y(n+i);

ydot_2(i) = -2*xi_b*r_w*y(n+i)-(r_w*i)^2*y(i)+2*sign(y(3*n+i)+v-v_m)*(mu_k+(mu_s-mu_k)*exp(-alpha*abs(y(3*n+i)+v-v_m)))*P*sin(i*pi*x_c);

ydot_3(i) =y(3*n+i);

ydot_4(i) =-2*xi*y(3*n+i)-y(2*n+i)-r_m*sign(y(3*n+i)+v-v_m)*(mu_k+(mu_s-mu_k)*exp(-alpha*abs(y(3*n+i)+v-v_m)))*P+a*w^2*sin(w*t);


ydot = [ydot_1; ydot_2; ydot_3; ydot_4];


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Angie vor etwa 19 Stunden

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to make it hopefully clearer, when i run for n=1 and n=2 i get the du_1 plots in the figure. so the one of n=1 is slighly bigger in amplitude (the difference increases when i include more modes). since i am plotting the first modes, i think i should get the same results.

solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (11)

I have printed before the results per timestep, for n=1 and i=1 and then for n=2 but for i=1 only. intialy they are the same but then change after some time. if i look at the code though, i dont see where i am making the mistake.

Torsten vor etwa 18 Stunden

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Is there a publication from which you took your equations ?

Angie vor etwa 17 Stunden

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  • stick slip vibration of a moving osc on an axillary flex beam.pdf

Yes, I am attaching it here. Equation 1 in my post is eq.33 in the paper, eq.2 is eq.38, eq.3 - eq.5 are eq.34 - eq.37. Equation 6 in the post is eq.20 in the paper.

Torsten vor etwa 14 Stunden

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Why don't you follow the article and set up system (40) ?

Angie vor etwa 14 Stunden

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Bearbeitet: Angie vor etwa 14 Stunden

In the system (40), the equations I wrote are expressed in matrix form. There are N+1 second-order differential equations (and 1 for x_c): N equations for T''_i and one equation for x'' . When these are written in state-space form, we have 2N+2 equations. In my approach, I solve for 4N equations, where the first 2N pertain to T_i and the last 2N to x_i. I solve the equation for x for each mode because the equations are coupled. To find the solutions, I use a for loop to iterate over each N and employ `ode45`. I m not sure if there is another way to do it, but i am indeed solving the equaitons in (40).

Torsten vor etwa 14 Stunden

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Bearbeitet: Torsten vor etwa 14 Stunden

I m not sure if there is another way to do it, but i am indeed solving the equaitons in (40).

You don't. The number of equations to be solved should be 1 algebraic equation for x_c, 2 first-order ordinary differential equations for xi and xidot and 2*N first-order ordinary differential equations for T1,...,TN,T1dot,...TNdot. In total 2*N+3 equations from which one is algebraic and 2*N+2 are differential.

Angie vor etwa 13 Stunden

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Bearbeitet: Angie vor etwa 13 Stunden

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intially i solved like that so for 2*N+2 differential equation and had the same problem. The reason i changed to 4*N differential equation is because the equations of T_i depend on x. Starting at the first time step, when i enter the for loop and solve for i=1:n, i have the solutions of T per each mode but only one solution of x (where the f term in the equation of x depends of T_1 to T_N). When i go out of the loop and move to the new time step but start with i=1, i wanted the solution of x inside T to be of the first mode only (and not have the acumulation of all the modes from the first time step), since i was solving T for the first mode again (new time step). that is why i started to solve x for each mode as well.

when i solved for 2*N+2, i had almost the same function but with ydot_3 and ydot_4 not depending on i, as shown below.

function ydot=rhs_cont3(t,y)

global xi xi_b r_w r_m mu_s mu_k v alpha P l a w l_0 n x_c_prev x_c_prev_modes x_m v_m

ydot_1=y(1:n); %displacement beam

ydot_2=y(n+1:2*n); %velocity beam

ydot_3=y(2*n+1); %displacement mass

ydot_4=y(2*n+2); %velocity mass



x_c_prev = x_c_prev_modes{1};

for i = 1:n



x_c_prev = x_c; % Update y_c_prev for the next iteration

x_c_prev_modes{i} = x_c_prev;

%Store y_c values at the corresponding time step

global t_values x_c_values; % Access global variables

[~, idx] = min(abs(t - t_values)); % Find the index of the closest time step

x_c_values(idx) = x_c; % Store y_c at the corresponding time step


ydot_1(i) = y(n+i);

ydot_2(i) = -2*xi_b*r_w*y(n+i)-(r_w*i)^2*y(i)+2*sign(y(2*n+2)+v-v_m)*(mu_k+(mu_s-mu_k)*exp(-alpha*abs(y(2*n+2)+v-v_m)))*P*sin(i*pi*x_c);

ydot_3 =y(2*n+2);

ydot_4 =-2*xi*y(2*n+2)-y(2*n+1)-r_m*sign(y(2*n+2)+v-v_m)*(mu_k+(mu_s-mu_k)*exp(-alpha*abs(y(2*n+2)+v-v_m)))*P+a*w^2*sin(w*t);

% if i == 1

% fprintf('Time: %.4f, ydot_4: %.7f\n ', t, ydot_4);

% end


ydot = [ydot_1; ydot_2; ydot_3; ydot_4];

and in the main function the initial conditions are defined for 2*N+2


y0 = zeros(2*n+2,1);

y0(2*n+2) = -v;

the rest of the code is pretty much the same. in this case, the solutions seem further away from the ones in the paper.

Torsten vor etwa 11 Stunden

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Bearbeitet: Torsten vor etwa 10 Stunden

intially i solved like that so for 2*N+2 differential equation and had the same problem.

ode45 must solve for 2*N+3 equations where one of them is algebraic. Look at the mass matrix in equation (40). x_c is an algebraic solution variable of ode45, and the respective row of the mass matrix is set to 0. No need to use x_c_prev or find or min or whatever you use in your code to cope with and determine x_c.

When i go out of the loop and move to the new time step but start with i=1, i wanted the solution of x inside T to be of the first mode only (and not have the acumulation of all the modes from the first time step), since i was solving T for the first mode again (new time step). that is why i started to solve x for each mode as well.

I don't know what you mean here. Equation (35) cleary shows how the f_i are computed using x_c, xi, xidot, T1,...,TN,T1dot,...,TNdot. And no more than these 2*N+3 variables are needed.

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Siehe auch


  • ode45
  • differential equations
  • for loop





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Translated by solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (19)

solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (20)

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solving coupled differential equations using ode45 for "n" modes (2024)
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