The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1954 27 COUPLE FETED ON 45TH WEDDING DATE Statc Representative Was Republican Circulation Manager 25 Ycars State Rep. and Mrs. Raymond HI. Beach of 493 Main Wilbraham, were honored last night at a dinner party attended by 18 immediate family members and relatives in the liomestead Inn. Ludlow.

Was Circulation Chief Mr. Beach, an employee of The until he retired in 1939 as circulaSpringfield Republican from 1 1903 tion manager, a post he held 25 years, and Mrs. Beach. the former Era R. Gebeau Wilbraham.

were married Oct. 6, 1909. They resided! in Mr. Beach's native Springfield and in Longmeadow before moving to Wilbraham in 1929. Attending the party were Walter a brother of Mrs.

Braciobeand Mrs. Gebeau, who marked their 50th anniversary at similar family gathering three years ago: Drs. R. F. Gurney.

a sister of Mrs. Beach, and Mr. Gurney: observing their 44th anniversary this week; Ellery C. Gebeau, a brother of Mrs. Beach, and Mrs.

Gebeau: Mrs. Wilbur H. Gebeau, a sister-in-law of Mrs. Beach. Also.

the Beaches' son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Putnam of Needham Heights, marking their 18th anniversary; the Beaches' son and daughterlaw, and observ- H. Beach.

of Wilbraham, ing Also. their Frank seventh. A. Gurney, neph- I eW of the guests of honor. a and Mrs.

Gurney: Theodore W. Gebeau, also a riphew. and Mrs. Gebeau; Dr. and Mrs.

Raymond J. Ryder. parents of Mrs. Beach, and Melvin 1. Bowen of Newport, father of Mrs.

Ryder. An orchid corsage was ed 10 Mrs. Beach and a boutonniere to Mr. Beach as gifts from their grandchildren, David and Richard Putnam and Douglas and Jennifer Beach. A special gift was presented by the entire family.

Mr. and Beach were married in the old Congregational Church in Wilbraham by the late Rev. Martin S. Howard. Mr.

Beach has been state representative the 1st Hampden District since 1941. Mr. and Mrs. Putnam, Mr. and Mrs.

Gurney, and Mr. and Mrs. Beach. were married on the same date, in different years, As Dr. and Mrs.

Beach, namely Oct. 6. HAMPDEN Hearing Listed On P. O. Site Hampden.

Oct. 8 A the hearing will be held by of Appeals Wednesday at 8 in the Town House on the petition of Miss Hazel I. Mansfield to erect a building to be used as a post office land in Main St. between the present post office and property Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Jones. A permit had been issued Miss Mansfield by Gordon J. Willcutt. building commissioner. who believed that the building would be in a business zone.

However. question has been raised concorning the zoning. and all interested in the matter are urged make A special effort to attend the hearing. Work was to have begun on structure immediately in order complete it by Christmas. Kenneth Gregory of Somers son of Mr.

and Mrs. Alton Gregory, is a patient in Springfield Hospital. A mission being conducted for Mary's Church by Fr. David man, CP. of the Passionist Monastery in West Springfield.

will clude Sunday afternoon with a sion in the church at 2.30 Drs. Alice Scott Ross. known "Drs. Jots" to readers of women's page of The Springfiled Union. will speak on her trip Nova Scotia at a meeting of Catholic Women's Club at 8 Monday in the home of Mrs.

Walter Rutherford in Allen St. Mrs. Woodrow Cavanaugh will assist Mrs. Rutherford as hostess. Lee, Oct.

8-Roland H. Pratt of South Lee was fined $75 for driving while under the influence, $20 for driving to endanger and $15 for drunkenness by the District Court this morning. His car hit a truck Wednesday night in Route 102 in Tyringham and the truck rammed into a house. Lawrence C. Latimer.

Pittsfield contractor. bid $350 and was awarded the contract by the School Committee for replacing the smokestack at East Lee School. Work is under way and because 110 heating will, be possible Monday the school will recess. Schools will close Tuesday for Columbus Day. Up-Country Radio (Al in EST HAI.

GREENFIELD. SAILRDAY 4.47 Farm Hour News 6.00 Weatherman 6.05 Timetable Weather 6.31 6.33 Timetable 6.17 County News 7.00 .00 News 015 Shelb. Falls 7.30 S. Deerfield 7.17 Northfield 8.00) News 8.17 Air Newspaper 8.30 ('hapel Time 0.00 News 9.03 Roy Scouts 0.10 Religious News 9.10 News 0.35 Stork Club 9.10 Farm Lite 9.53 News 10.00 Motor Vehicle 30.00 Music Time 10.13 Science WARE. 5.00 Neighbor 6.

News 15 Neighbor 7.10 News Neighbor 8.00 Religious News 8.15 Pub. Interest 8.30 Proudly Hail 9.00 Melodies 9.30 News 9.35 Melodies 10.00 Music Magic 10.30 Polka Party 11 :0 News 11.15 Roundup Surprised On 45th Anniversary State Rep. and Mrs. Raymond H. from family members, presented of Mrs.

Beach, during a surprise wedding anniversary last night WILBRAHAM Aides Are Named For Kindergarten Wilbraham, Oct. 8 -A mecting was held this week in the cafeteria of the Memorial School to establish a board of directors to head the Wilbraham community kindergarten. a recently formed nonprofit organization. Mrs. Raymond Trombley was elected chairman and Mrs.

Howard LedDuke, cochairman. Mrs. Richard McGee will be secretary. Drs. Norman Pincince will be treasurer, Mrs.

Charles Plumpton will direct the health program. Mrs. 11. Ralph Gelineau will direct mother participation and Mrs. William MacRae will direct procurement.

Persons wishing to donate clean, usable toys may bring them on registration day or leave them with Mrs. T. Malinowski on 121 Main St. or Airs. William MacRae on Stony Hill Rd.

Reservations can be accepted for three more children. THELMA L. DUNSMOOR TO WED ARTHUR HICKS Wilbraham, Oct. 8-Mr. and Mrs.

Ethelburt W. Dunsmoor of Wilbraham Hampden, announce the daughter. Thelma Louise, to Arapproaching marriage of, their Paul Hicks, Arthur J. Hicks of Allen and the late Mrs. Hicks.

wedding will be Oct. 23 in Wilbraham United Church. Rev. Walter T. James wil perform the ceremony.

Miss Dunsmoor is a graduate of the High School of Commerce and is employed as an accountant by Massachusetts Life Insurance Co. Hicks attended local schools and served a year in the Air Force during World War II. Church Services Wilbraham United Church, Rev. service at 11 a. church school Walter T.

James, pastor: 9.30 for children and adults; at church school at 11 for preschool children. Glendale Methodist: Rev. Ralph C. Crandall: of First Methodist Church in East Longmeadow: classes service at 2.30 p. m.

school at 10.15. St. Cecilia's, North Wilbraham; Rev. John J. Scanlon: masses at 7, 9, 10, 11 a.

m. Perpetual Sat- novena Monday at 7.30 p. urday at 10. Junior Christian be heard Doctrine. Confessions will Saturday afternoon at 4.

and at 7 in the evening. Grace Union: Rev. James Keith at 9.30; topic "The lesson the Moorhead! punior church service, soul." and for the regular 11 a. 11. service, "The mandate and mes- be Church classes will held at 9.30; Pilgrim Fellowship group will meet at 7 p.

m. Wilbraham Briefs Wilbraham, Oct. 8-Mrs. Douglas Gagnon of Highland entertained, yesterday afternoon. of her The bridge next meeting will be Oct, 21 at the home of M.S.

Donald Heath of Stony Hill Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Emmons of Colonial Rd. returned to.

their home recently after spending a three weeks vacation in Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla. They visited Airs. Charles P. Knight of Miami. The WSCS of the Glendale Methodist Church in North Wilbraham will hold A a chicken pie supper at the Glendale Community house: Thursday, Oct.

21 from 5.30 to 7.30 p. The committee in charge of preparations is Mrs. John Nordin, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Patric and Mrs. Verne Putnam.

Roland a Bennett, Mrs. Clifford Tomorrow at 5 p. m. until the Wilbraham Chapter of the Eastern Star will sponsor the second annual chicken "Bar-b-cue" at the Ryder farms on 571 Main St. Reservations should be in by noon tomorrow with Mr.

Ryder, any member of the Eastern Star, G. Milo Green or Raymond Gurney. HONOR PUPILS LISTED Wilbraham. Oct. 8-Headmaster Charles L.

Stevens of Wilbraham Academy has announced these first honors for the first two weeks of school: Timothy Chapin, Peter. Cook. John Cronin, William Danforth, Howard Jensen, Stanford Kirkendall, Olli Kokkonon, Peter B. Lincoln, Peter C. Lincoln, Thomas Magill, Jere Murray.

Dennis Ryan, David Scott and Robert Thompson. SHUTESBURY Shutesbury, Oct. 8 S' school Ages, in Fedcrated church, will he Sundav at 10. Nil's. Eleanor WV.

Crank, the pastor. will conduct service and preach on "our fathers fed on manna," at 11. LUDLOW Chwalek-Kairys Wedding Today Beach of Wilbraham receive a gift by Mrs. R. F.

Gurney, left. a sister party marking the couple's 45th in the Homestead Inn. Ludlow. Geese Head South Wilbraham, Oct. 8 Mr.

Charles Merrick, a farmer at 651 Main St. for over 52 years, spotted flocks of wild geese yesterday flying over the Sixteen Acres area at dusk. Typical formation of A second flight was spotted over the senter of Wilbraham and A third flight to the east of the Wilbraham Center. These formations flying south are the earliest seen of geese migration seen in many years in this locale. Farmers in this area agree that this is just one more indication of an early and severe winter.

East Longmeadow, Oct. 8-East Longmeadow residential division reported 39 per cent of its quota today at the United Fund-Red Cross report meeting in the Sheraton-Kimball Hotel. This WAS the highest towns percentage second among high suburb- of all sections in the residential division. Mrs. Samuel Simons, chairman, reported that over $1400 of the $3641 quota was collected during the first four day's of the drive.

All solicitors are urged to complete their calls this week end if possible SO that final reports will be ready by Wednesday. EAST LONGMEADOW Fund Campaign Report Is Given Sunday Services East Longmeadow, Oct. 7-First Baptist Church, Rev. Ernest Ruark, pastor: 10, service and sermon "Drifter, 11.15, Bible school. First Congregational Church, Rev.

Lorenzo T. Dawe. pastor; 11, nursery hour; 11, service and sermon. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rev.

G. Theodore Forsberg, pastor; 9.30, Sunday school and Bible class; 10.45, nursery and kindergarten classes; 10.45, service and sermon. Methodist Church, Rev. Ralph C. Crandall, pastor: 9.45, Sunday school: 11, nursery hour; 11, service and sermon.

St. Michael's Church, Rev. John R. Wolohan; masses at 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11. St.

Joseph's Church. Rev. Guido Mespilli; masses at 8.30 and 10. is G. Schaeneman of Pease past president of Springfield Chapter, National Association of Cost Accountants, and second viceof Springfield Chapter, National Office Management Association, has been awarded the Jack Bock trophy, most valuable member achievement award.

This award is given each year to the NACA member of Springfield Chapter who has accomplished the most for the chapter during the year, points being awarded for each individual accomplishment. Mr. Schaeneman, a staff member of Scovell. Wellington and was publicity chairman last year of Springfield Chapter, NOMA. SCHAENEMAN GETS AWARD East Longmeadow, Oct.

8-Lew- Ludlow, Oct. 8-Miss Rosalie C. Chwalek. daughter of Mrs. a John Chwalek of Prospect St.

and the late Mr. Chwalek, will become the bride of Joseph Kairys of Providence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kairys of Lithuania, Saturday at 10 in Christ the King Church. Rev.

Charles J. Chwalek, pastor of St. Stanislaw Church in West Warren and brother of the bride-elect, will perform the ceremony and' be deacon at the high mASS to be celebrated by Rev. John C. Chwalek of Sacred Heart Church, Easthampton, another brothers of the Kwiatkowski, bride-elect.

curate Rev. at Christ the King Church, will be subdeacon. be by Charles Renard, Traditional, wedding music will organist and selections will be sung by Joseph Wierzbicki and Alice Workum, cousin of Miss Chwalek. Miss Lee Sibielski of Providence, will be maid Mary of Ann honor. Kilbridge Bridesmaids of Bridgewater and Dorothy L.

Chwalek of Ludlow. niece of the bride-elect. Joseph Kiela Providence will serve as best man. Ushers will be Frank Murphy of Pawtucket, R. and Leander Boucher, of Ludlow.

Albert Labuda of Wilbraham will give his godchild and niece in marriage. Following a rception in the Ludlow Country Club, the couple will leave on a trip. Upon return they will live in Middleboro. The bride-elect is a graduate of Island Hospital for Nurses. Ludlow High School, and Rhode She attended Rhode Island University.

Miss Chwalke was on the staff of the Mercy Hospital Springfield and did private duty nursing Springfield for four years. At present she is employed as rehabilitation supervision in Lakeville State Sanitorium, Middleboro. Her fiance is a graduate of State University in Lithuania and did graduate work in Denmark. At present Mr. Kairys does bookkeeping for private concerns.

SUNDAY SERVICES Ludlow, 8-St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Rev. Howard A. Weaver. pastor: service.

St. Paul's Methodist Church, Rev. Albert S. Anderson, pastor; 11, service; Sunday school, same hour. Union Church of Christ, Rev.

James MacArthur. pastor: 9:30. nursery hour; 11, service. Samuel of Pakistan, guest preacher, talking on "India and Christian Christ the King baseball teams will conduct A paper drive Saturday. Townspeople are asked to have papers ready and tied to facilitate handling.

All boys should be at the church at 8:30 a. n1. James WV. Hannum Chapter, TOES, will conduct A food and apron sale next Friday at 2 Masonic Hall. Mrs.

Jeannie Wilson and Mrs. Sadie Gethins are charge of the apron sale. The food is in charge of Mrs. Nan Hart and Mrs. Agnes Tourville.

Mrs. Jane Westphalen charge of the candy. Tea will be served during the afternoon and will be in charge of Mrs. Mabel Dauchtric. Alfred Kisser is chairman the card party, to be held in the evening at 8.

Mrs. Nan Young is in charge of the refreshments for the card party. The Ludlow Neighborhood Garden Club will meet Monday at the home of Mrs. Leon Harris in Lyons St. Assisting hostesses will be Alice Leslie and Mrs.

Lena Harris. Earnest Seaver of Springfield will be the guest. He will show a series of color slides. LUDLOW CENTER Ludlow Center, Oct. 8 Mrs.

Herbert McChesney of Belchertown Rd. will be the hostess in her home to members of the Center project group when the annual Christmas-kit will be on display. of the meeting will be "Christmas everywhere" and many ideas for making gifts for the home. tree and table will be obtainable from the kit. Mrs.

John Moore and Mrs. John O'Keefe are leaders for this project. All women in the community are invited. Miss Patricia Kolano was elected master of the Juvenile Grange and other officers are: overseer, Janet Hiersche; lecturer, Joyce Van 1 Wyck; assistant -lecturer, Ann Jo- East Longmeadow Briefs East Longmeadow. Oct.

7. proximately attended the chicken pie supper served by the Ladics Aid Society of First Congregational Church in Birchland Park School. Meeting of the board of deacons Baptist Church will be Sundays at 3. junior and senior young people will meet at 6.15, power time will he in the pastor's study at 7 and the evening gospel hour at 7.15 will include al sermon by Rev. Ernest Ruark on "What the United Nations Security Council ought to know about God's program for world Junior Guild of Paul's Lutheran Church is planning a rummage sale on Monday, Oct.

18. at 125 Hanco*ck St. Springfield. Drs. Kenneth Johnson is chairman of committee, assisted by Mrs.

Felix Mrs. Ted arka, Mrs. Paul Guenther, and Mrs. A. Scott Phillips.

School lunch menus for next week will be as follows: Monday, macaroni with cheese and tomato, green beans, peanut butter on bread, orange and grapefruit sections, milk; Wednesday, roast beef and gravy, mashed potato, green peas, bread and butter, jello with fruit, milk; Thursday, chicken noodle soup, crackers, minced ham sandwich, jello pudand milk; Friday, baked beans, cabbage salad, egg salad sandwich, molasses cookie, ice cream and milk. Senior choir of St. Lutheran Church will rehearse at the church Monday at 7.43 and the Brotherhood chorus at 9. Missionary Instiate of Hampden County Association of Congregational Ministers and Laymen will' PET SUPPER AIDE Mrs. Howard Wickman is in charge of the dining room for the annual harvest supper Wednesday form 5.30 to 7 p.

m. at St. Paul's Methodist Church, Ludlow. The affair is under auspices of the W'SCS. Mrs.

Elmer Ranck is chairman of the supper and Mrs. Raymond Roberts is in charge of tickets. The menu will feature corned beef, cabbage. carrots. mashed turnips.

boiled potatoes, rolls, coffee and assorted pies. AGAWAM F. C. Emerson To Be Moderator Of Water Session Agawam Selectman Named To Preside at Oct. 15 Meeting Agawam, Oct.

8 Frederick C. Emerson, chairman of the Agawam Board of Selectmen and president of the Connecticut Valley Water Association will be the moderator of the fall meeting of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress at the Sheraton Hotel on the 15th. Panel discussions on various phases of flood and pollution control will be held at morning and afternoon sessions. At the noon luncheon the guest speaker will be Sylvan Martin, chief of field operations. water supply and water pollution control program of.

the U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The meeting will be called to order at 10 by Larry of Taunton, regional directors and member of projects committee of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, representing the New England Region. Following the inintroduction of Mr.

Emerson by Mr. Hess, Charles R. Crowder. president of Springfield Chamber of Commerce will extend greetings the delesateopics are "Flood Control," conducted by Col. David G.

Hammond of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, assistant division engineer of the New England power and industry." Harold F. Schnurle, chairman of the Maine Development Commission; "maintenance deficiences in our national rivers and harbors Atlantic Sterling Ports St. John, association consultant; "a businessman's viewpoint on our natural Chester O.

Fischer, vice-president of the Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Co. Walter G. White, national of the Congress and chairman of the New Hampshire Water Resources Board will preside at the luncheon. Mayor Daniel Brunton will welcome the guests after which there will be the introduction of distinguished guests followed by Mr. Martin's address on "Water Pollution Hess will present an outline of New: England projects following which there will be a business meeting of the Congress.

worski; steward, Richard Howes; chaplain, Beverly Bouquet; treasurer, Carol Webster; secretary, Mabel Ann Barker; keeper. Janice MacArthur: cores. Judy Estes; Beverly Watson; flora, Barbara Romanko; lady ass't. steward. Margaret Trembly: pianist.

Marsha Gilman: bearer. Ann Askey: and executive committce. Jackie Lambert. Deanna Douville, and Anna Van Wyck. The members will go on a hike Saturday; leaving the Grange Hall at 10 a.

171. A public installation will be on the 23d at 7 p. m. in Grange Hall. Members of St.

Peter and St. Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church will hold another Sunday picnic at the Kondrewicz farm on Center St. Sunday afternoon. Music will be furnished by Walt Manicki and his radio orchestra and the women of the parish will serve refreshments. Proceeds will gO to the church building fund.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore of Center St. are great-grandparents of a son born to Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Moore of Schenectady, N. whose parents Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Moore of Westminster. Vt.

Mark and David, young sons of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lovett of Miller St. have returned from the hospital were they had their tonsils removed, Parents of 4-H Sheep Club members were guests at the home of the club leaders, Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Hierche of Miller St. Friday evening to hear a talk by Robert Marsh, County 4-H agent, and see movies of the 4-H fair shown by Charles McChesney. The hostesses wer Deanne Douville, Janet MacArthur, Robert Robbins and Robert Pease. Mrs. Ann Gadaire and her committee are making articles to be sold at the decoration booth at the Ladie's Aid fair the 16th in Rood Hall.

items will be on sale for making corsages. table, mantel, door and general Christdecoration for the home. Wayne Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Indian Orchard, is spending the week end with his grandparents.

Mr. and Airs. Clifford Smith of Center St. April MONSON Masons Install Loux as Master Monson, 8-Day Spring Lodge of Masons had installation of officers Friday at 8 in the lodge rooms. Installed were: master, Donald J.

Loux: senior warden, Robert J. Guertin; junior warden, Lyman T. Moores; treasurer, mond C. Orcutt; secretary, neth A. Grindell; chaplain.

Henry C. Sanderson; marshal, Herman E. Hasenjager; senior deacon, Albion H. Galas: junior deacon. G.

William Meacham; senior steward, Clarence D. Brown, junior steward, John I. Olson, organist, George B. Adams, tyler, Henry S. Hale, Sr.

A social hour followed. The Cub Scout committee met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lyons in Moulton Hill Rd. to plan for the coming Pack meeting.

Committee members attending were Cub Master, Charles Brightman; assistant Cub Master, David Asquith; Rev. Louis S. Thompson, George Facey, er, Lauriston Moore, den mothers, Mrs. Richard Banford, Mrs. John Alden, Mrs.

John Kennedy, Mrs. Lauriston Moore. Boys wishing to join should contact one of the above committee or obtain membership blanks from Mr. Brightman at McCleary's Store and turn them by Nov. 6.

Any girl 8 10 9 years of age wishing join Brownie Scout 11'00ps must register with Mrs. Robert Lorber before Wednesday. Leonard Farquhar of Fly Rd. has left for Clearfield, Utah, to visit his brother, Lt. Arnold Farquhar and family.

The funeral of William Cody was in Splaine-Kuehl funeral home Thursday. Bearers were Roland Becker, Leo and Dona Beaulieu, Joseph Pienta, Adan Rasys. John Deveno. Burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery, Southbridge, where committal service was read by Leo Batista.

"Miss Rogers of Palmer a member, of the 1954 graduating from a modeling school in Springfield, with other members of the June class will spend the week end in New York as guests at modeling studios. SUNDAY SERVICES Monson. Oct. 8-Masses will be held in St. Patrick's Church on Sunday morning at 7, 8:30 and 10:30.

In First Church of Monson Congregational Dr. Paul Leser of Hartford, will be the guest speaker. There will be a guest speaker in First Universalist Church at the 10:43 service. Rev. Alfred L.

O'Brien will deliver the morning sermon in Methodist Church at 10:45. Television--VHF WBZ. Roston, Mass. SATURDAY 8.00 Down to Earth 5.00 Lou Costello 8.30 Mt. Tales 5.30 Ozzie-Harriet 9.30 Friend Club 6.00 You Asked It 10.00 Radio Patrol 6.0 I 10.13 Film 1.30 Ethel Al 10.30 Capt.

Midnite 8.00 Alickey Rooney 11.00 Ramar 8.30 Place Face 11.30 Big Brother 9.00 Imogene Coca 12.30 News 9.30 Jimmy Durante 12.40 Weather 10.00 George Gobel 12.45 Radio Patrol 10.30 Donald 1. Don Winslow 11.00 News 1.15 Touchdown 11.03 Wrestling 1.43 Can. Football 12.03 News 4.30 Roy Rogers CHANNEL WRZ, Boston, Mass. SUNDAY 8 30 Sign On 2.00 Liberace 8.15 Adventure 2.30 Playhouse 9.00 Science Rev. 3.00 Playhouse 9.00 Our World 4.30 400 Parade 10.00 Catholic Hr.

5.00 Hall of Fame 10.30 Christophers 5.30 Big Town 11.00 News 6.00 Range Rider 11.15 Adventure 6.50 Playhouse 11.30 Gene Jones 7.30 Max Liebman 12.00 Amer. Invent, 9.00 P'layhouse 12.30 Football 10.00 Loretta Young 1.00 Cinema 10 30 Night Owl CHANNEL 10 WJAR, Providence, 8. SATCRDAY 8.30 Sat. Cowboy 9.30 Capt. Midnite 10.00 Cartoons 10.30 Ed McConnell 10.15 Animal Time, 11.00 Mr.

Wizard 11.30 Annie Oakley 12.0 Big Top 1.31 Film 1.43 Barker 1CC Business 2.30 Badge 714 CHANNEL WJAR, 8.30 Frontiers 9.00 Sunday Show 11.00 Religion 11.30 Super Circus 12.00 20 Questions 12.30 News 12.40 TBA 4.30 City Heart 5.00 Theater WRGB, Channel 8.30 Test SATURDAY. 8.43 Sir. Wizard P. 13 Tovland 9.46 Cartoons 10.00 0.00 Super Circus. 10.30 Cartoons 11.00 Space Patrol 11.00 Ed McConnell 12.00 Big Top 1.00 Roy Rogers 1.30 Jane Froman 1.40 Te Announce 2.15 Wis-Rice 3.00 Dear Phoebe SUNDAY 8.47 Test Pattern 9.00 Faith 9.30 Fr nt.ers 10.00 Christonheis 10.00 The Life Your Tronh' 11.13 Capt Midnight To Stafford 19.00 Little Marcie 12.30 Lone Ranger 1.00 .00 Intrigue 1.30 4.00 Strike lt.

Rich Football 5.00 Goidbergs 5.30 Film 6.10 Trouble 7.00) TEA Political 8.30 The Duke 9.00 Imogene Coca 9.34 Jimmy Durante 10.0 H) News 10.10 The Stranger 1 10.40 Wrestling 11.10 Life at 80 10 Providence. R. L. SUNDAY 6.15 Political 6.30 Favorite Story 7.00 Ellery Queen 7.30 Mr. Peepers 8.00 Comedy Hour 8.00 Playhouse 10.00 News 10.10 News 11.10 Theater Schenectady Six News and Tou 5,45 Americans Godfrey 6.30 Tou Are There 7.00 Sportscope 7.30 You Asked 8.00 Playhouse 8.30 For Money 9.00 Imogene Cora 0.30 Durante Show 10.00 George Gobel 10,30 Hit Parade 11.00 Wrestling 12.13 The Medic 4.40 Zoo Parade S.

Western 4.00 The Press 6.34: News Review 6. Sports Spot 7.30 Max Liehman 7.000 Fashions 7.13 Kieran 1 9.00 GE Theater 9.30 I Love Lucy 10.00 TV Playhouse 11.00 Loretta Young 13.00 Rig Town 11.30 Nama Tune Television--UHF 10.00 Winky pink 6.30 Arthur Murray 11.00 Capt 6.45 Lefty Gomez 11.30 Film 7.00 Range Rider 12.00 Western 7.30 Beat Clock 1.00 Film o0 Jackie Gleason 00 Matinee 9 00 2 Money 4.00 Racing 9.30 My Husband 4.30 10.00 PA Mayehoff 4.43 Rea Christie 10.30 Willy 5.00 Annie Oakley 11.00 5 30 Roundun 11.16 Late Show 6.00 Youth Parade CRANSEI. 30 WANB. New. Britain.

Conn. STINDAY 12.00 winky Dink 830 Kit Carsor 12.30 Carnival 7.00 Flash Gordon 1.00 Family Thea. 7.30 Jack Benny 2.00 00 Matinee 8.00 Playhouse 3.00 God's World A 00 Theater 3.30 Adventure 9.30 Mavhouse 4.30 What World 10.00 Father Knows 5.00 Man of Week 10.30 This IN Lite 5.30 Youth's Stand 11.00 Late Show 6.00 Amer. Week (All Listings in EST) CHANNEL 74 WMGT. Pittsfield SATURDAY 6.00 Film 7.00 Ropalong 6.13 Picture.

Party 8.00 Double Feature 8.30 Cartoon 11.00 News 6.40 Around CHANNEL MAT. Pittsfield SUNDAY 2.00 7.00 Little Mermaid HI 8.00 Theater 6.15 Semester 10.00 Break Bank 6.30 Film 10 30 News CRANNET. 30 WENR. Ver Britain. Conn.

SATURDAY WARE League, Auxiliary To Seat Officers In Joint Event Ware, Oct. 8-Marine Corps League and auxiliary will have joint installation of officers at Hotel Royal tomorrow night. Carmen Aiello of Worcester, state commandant. will install league officers and his wife. Mrs.

Helen Aiello. will install the auxiliary. A chicken pie supper at 7 will precede the ceremonies. Richard G. McGuire will be inducted as commandant of Ware Detachment for his second term and Miss Lucille Provost, who served as president of the newly organized auxiliary last year also is chosen for her second term.

Other detachment officers to be seated: Roger J. Beauregard, senior vice-commandant; Mrs. Edythe Schoonmaker, junior vice-commandant; Raymond St. George, paymaster; Victor H. Barry, judge advocate; Arthur M.

Hoffer, chap-, Neill IV. Schoonmaker, adjutant; Harvey A. Labossiere, sergeant at arms: Arthur S. Denis, executive committee. Other auxiliary officers are: Clarice Labossiere, senior vicepresident; Esther McGuire, junior vice-president: Mary Wade, judge advocate; Edna Barry, chaplain; Lorraine Lavallee, press correspondent: Doris Cole, historian; Joan Gaudette, secretary; Agnes Denis, treasurer; Marion Gallagher.

guard; Celia Sidur and Irene Giard, trustees. ALFRED J. RICHARD Ware, Oct. 8-Alfred J. Richard, a Ware resident mostived his life, died in Ware Lawrence the past 16 years.

Mr. Richard was A woolen weaver while in Ware and also was special officer. He was a veteran of World War I and member the American Legion at Lawrence and St. Jean Baptiste Society. Surviving are four brothers, Wilfred of Easthampton, Arthur Aime and Henry all of Ware, and two sisters, Mrs.

Anna Levasseur of Brookfield and Mrs. Eva Goyette of Easthampton. Funeral arrangements are in charge Charbonneau funeral service. The funeral will be Tuesday 9:30 with a requeim high mass Mount Carmel Church at 10. Burial will be in Mount Carmel Cemetery.

Friends may call at the neral home on Sunday and Monday from 2 to 3 and 7 to 10 p. m. KOCSIS-ROBERSON Ware, Oct. 8-Dr. and AIrs.

L. Roberson will attend the wedding at Flushing. N. tomorrow of their son, Howard, and Miss Jeanne Kocsis of Flushing, ceremony to be in First Congregational Church 4:30 p. m.

will be at Crystal Room, from Ware Flushing. will be Miss Maryanne Jerz Also attending and Mrs. Alida Phancuf. Miss Kocsis was graduated from Drake Secretarial School and attended Columbia University. She is member of Junior League Flushing and is associated with New York advertising agency.

Roberson was graduated from Wilbraham Academy in 1943 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1948. In World War II he served in the Pacific theater with the my. He is with technical operations department of CBS Television New York. Ware telephone subscribers being determine questioned the reaction of telein a survey phone users to the service. There are some matters, such as whethCr a patron believes he is getting his money's worth from the service.

manner of billing and as whether company profits are considered too high, which are likely to bring controversial opinions. Donald W. Howe has resigned as director of l'are Community Chest and Raymond St. George replaces him. Rev.

Paul M. Easter has nounced these services in Methodist Church Sunday: worship, 9.30: church school. 10.30; Senior MYF, 6.30 p. Goodfellowship Club meets at home of Mr. Mrs.

Leslie Cady of West. Ware 6 p. m. Sunday services in Trinity Episcopal Church include Holy Communion at 7.30 a. morning prayer and sermon at will "Rediscovery of America" be subject of a sermon by Rev.

William P. Horton for the 10.30 service Sunday in Unitarian Church. Rev. John I. Sunburn will be Cold Reception Ware, Oct.

8-Leo Durand, Ware businessman, reported 15 at his Church home this above zero as the, temperature morning. In the business section it was 20 at 7 a. m. Teacher Resigns Ware, Oct. 8-Miss Mary McCarty, teacher of social studies at high school, has resigned and will go to Stratford, high School.

Edwin Cox, former school superintendent in Ware, is now superintendent at Stratford. Miss McCarty, a graduate of University of New Hampshire, was appointed to the high school faculty here in 1927. School Committee has arranged for a curricular workshop for senior supervisor of elementary edteachers. Dr. a Mary O'Rourke, ucation for State Department of Education, will be in charge.

The committee voted to pay $24 for each elementary teacher cnrolled but high school teachers who enroll must pay the fee. Marine Corps League Auxiliary will conduct a white clephant sale in 'DeVirgilis block, next to Post Office, Oct. 16, from morning until 5 p. m. Donations, may be left at the building 7.30 to 9 p.

N1. School Committee will discuss appointment of a principal at the high school Thursday night. Peter J. Rzeznikiewicz, town clerk and, treasurer, attended the convention of town clerks at Great Barrington. charge of the 10.45 service Sunday in East Congregational Church.

Teacher Resigns BERNARDSTON Bernardston, Oct. 8-Burial of Rev. Alfred William Birks was in the Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va. on Oct. 4.

The service was in Fort Myer Chapel with Dr. A. Powell Davies of All Souls Unitarian Church of Washington, D. C. officiating.

Miss Florence E. Birks and eight members of the family were present. PALMER COMMUNION BREAKFAST Palmer, Oct. 8-One of the most important parish functions of entire year at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, will be the annual Holy Name Society's munion breakfast Sunday morning.

The parish priests look forward to welcoming the largest group of recent years at the mass at 7 and breakfast which will follow in Palmer High School cafeteria at 8:30. Daughters of Isabella will prepare and serve the meal. Principal speaker will be Richard Garvey of The Springfield Daily News. One of the features of Mr. Garvey's talk will be A story about Fr.

Fitton who said the first mass in Palmer in 1816.. (Gunderson)' Halvorsen, 85, died in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Donald MacLean Knox early this morning following a long illness. She was born in Ulifoss, Norway, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Kahren Gunderson and came to this country when young girl. She WAS a resident here for the past 66 years and was a member of Second Baptist Church. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. John MacLean and Mrs. Esther Hunter Collins of Laconia, N.

Mrs. of Woodstock. four sons. Osof Palmer. George of Scarsdale, N.

Clarence of Worcester and Elmer of Auburn: 11 grandchildren and 21 great dren. Funeral services will be conducted at the Beers Story funeral home Sunday at 2. with Rev. J. Kenneth Banks of Second Baptist Church officiating.

Burial will be in Oak Knoll Cemetery. MRS. HILDA HALVORSEN Oct. 8-Mrs. Hilda of Change Pleas Bennington.

Oct. 8-A Palmcr. woman who pleaded not: guilty last July to careless and negligent driving charges changed her plea today in Municipal Court here when faced with. a trial before, a jury. A nolo was entered by.

Mrs. Jean Marrey who was fined $33 and costs of $8.60. An auto driven by Mrs. Macey was involved in A collision at Searburg Mountain July 23. Also changing a not guilty plea to one of r.olo when faced, with trial was Herbert Hulett, of Bennington, whose car crashed in Shaftsbury on May 22.

Hulett was fined $25 and costs of $8.60. 1210 AC 10.30 Variety 1.00 News 12.13 Variety Time Football 3.75 V. E. Ken's 4.00 Music Social Sec. 4.40 Music 5.00 News 6.10 Music 5.25 Weather 3.30 Music 3.47 Sports A.nO Unshackled 6.30 Music 7.00 7.15 Sam Washington Llevine 7.30 Word Of Life 8 00 True or False 8.30 Jamboree 0.00 Hawaii Calla 9.00 Lombardoland 14.00 News 10.15 Orch WARE.

1250 RC 12.00 Matinee 14.30 News 12.33 Matinee 1250 Club 1.30 Now'S 1.35 1250 Club 2.30 New 1250 Club 3.30 News 3.35 1450 Club 4.51 News, Sports 4.17 Music 5.14) Enchantment 6.00 Red Skelton 7.00 Bradley Field meet Sunday at 2.30 in First Church of Christ, Congregational, Court Square, and supper will be served at 5.30. Members of the local Congregational Church planning to attend are asked to notify Rev. Lorenzo T. Dawe. Junior youth group of First Methodist Church will meet in the church Sunday at 5, the senior group at 6.30.

Tuesday, Columbus Day, will be a school holiday. Mrs. Victor Cella, neighhorhond chairman for Girl Scouts, announces that Mrs. Nell Tassinari will be assistant leader for Troop 100, whose leader is Mrs. Leonard Clay.

The troop. will meet Thursday afternoons at Birchland Park School starting week of Oct. 18. One more leader and two sistants are needed for Girl Scout troops and two leaders are needed for Brownie troops. East Longmeadow Teachers Club will offer a series of Saturafternoon movies in Birchland Park School auditorium starting this week.

The show will be from 2 to 4 and will feature "Drums Along the Children all ages are welcome. AIrs. James Mote of Elm St. has announced that there was such a large turn-out of boys interested in playing on the Flyers hockey team, the 10 to 12 age group, that two teams care be organized in this group if more boys sign up. To be eligible boys must have been born betweer.

Nov. 1, 1911 and Oct. 31, 1944. All boys who have signed up for hockey teams are asked to take their hockey cards, registrations and birth certificates to Mrs. Hote or to their managers as soon as possible.

Palmer News Briefs Palmer, Oct. 8-Charles Theodore sold his single dwelling at 34. Central to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Silva of Monson today.

The expect to return to Greece soon and the new owners will occupy within two weeks. Pa-: pers were passed by the Crimmins Realty Corp. First session for the senior Girl Scout training course for program aides proved successful with 25 girls taking part. Next meet-1 ing will be Monday at 2.30 in. Palmer High School cafeteria.

Delegates from Palmer attended the Now England Girl Scouts' regional conference in Swampscott and Mrs. Alexander Hrynic-1 wicz stayed for the three-day session. Later she was joined by Mrs. Phinian Vance, Mrs. Alfred Ziegler, Mrs.

John Doyle and Mrs. Kenneth Marcy. St. Joseph's baseball team of Thorndike will be feted at a banquet. in St.

Joseph's Hall on Oct. 16. Chicken. countrystyle, will be served and dancing 10 the Rhythm Kings will be from 17.30 to 11.30. Tickets may be obtained al the club.

Stanley Wilga of Thorndike has returned to his Main St. home aftbeings Hospital. a patient in Wing rial Joan Coutu is convalescing her River Thorndike. home surgery in Mercy Hospital. Springfield.

Joseph J. Velish. of 52 Chicopee charged with a road law violation pleaded nolo in District Court and Judge Joseph A. Furey fined him $10. Irving Rubin of Newton Center, charged with speeding pleaded nolo and a $10 fine was imposed.

Fortnightly Club of St. Paul's Universalist Church will serve a public turkey supper on Thursday, Oct. 28, at 6.30. Mrs. Elmer Sird will be general chairman, assisted by Mirand Jack Harding, dining Mrs.

Raymond Hebert, tickets. Lake Thompson Civic Club and Colonists' Club will meet in Mrs. store Sunday at which time A committec will report on fire equipment and expenses. The district expects to auxiliary fire department. Chairman Stanley Salamon of the Thorndike Fire and Water District said the water supply will be turned off in the Iolden system Tuesday from 1 10 4 in order for workment 10 install a new chlorinator at the water shed near the Town Farm.

Mr. Salamon suggested families affected make preparations to store water during this brief emergency. Edmund Frydryk, chairman of the 10-year reunion of Palmer High School, class of '41, said all is in readiness for the reunion and dinner Saturday night in Rovelli's Restaurant. Chief of Police James F. Donahue of 33 Pine St.

was stricken ill this afternoon in his home and was removed 10 Wing Memorial Hospital in the ambulance. Nature of his illness WAS not determined but hospital officials said he would be kept in the hospital several days for observation. I.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.